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When: Saturday June 2

Tee Time:  6pm shogun

Cost: $60 per couple. This price includes green fee, cart fee, dinner, and payout.  Do not need an official handicap to play.

Call the Golf Shop to Sign Up at 208-362-8897!

Tuesday is officially Ladies Day.  Ladies can play for half price all day on any of our three courses.  The half price is green fee only and does not include the cart fee.

Also, if you are interested in playing in our Ladies Club Championship in August, you need to play on a total of 5 Tuesdays from now until then.

If you are interested in playing in the club championship, you must join the Falcon Crest Golf Association ($25) and establish an official IGA handicap ($47). If you pay for both together, you save $10.


Check out our Driving Range Cards at Falcon Crest Golf Club! This year, we are happy to offer another range option. In addition to the Large Bucket Cards we’ve always had, we have now added an X-Large Bucket Card!

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Falcon Crest Golf Club

Author Falcon Crest Golf Club

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